Uzbekistan Tours

No doubts that Uzbekistan as a tourist destination is one of the most popular in Central Asia. It seems like obscure to visit it, but it is becoming more and more visited by lots of tourists each year. Well-preserved architecture from the Golden Age of Islam religion is what makes it so popular. The history of the country goes back to the 1 millennia BC when world-known dynasties of Sogdia, Bactria and Khorezm grew and flourished.  The famous cities from the ancient times are Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakrisabz, Margilan, Karshi, Tashkent and many others.

During your tours in Uzbekistan today you can feel the atmosphere of dreamy medieval deserts, stretched with a row of camels loaded with precious goods, making over stops in busy cities. Mix of cultures and people resulted in a big variety of customs and traditions preserved nowadays that you can observe during our tours. You can learn crafts of how to make paper, silk carpets and pottery like many centuries ago by making visits workshops in towns. You can taste the most famous pilaf in Central Asian region prepared on fire with meat, rice, carrots and dried fruits. You can participate in different cultural events and enjoy different shows and master classes.

Thus, Uzbekistan is a country that must be visited if you come to Central Asia. Also, we are ready to extend your tour to Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and build up a wonderful Silk Road Tour. Come and enjoy Central Asia with us!

Tours in Uzbekistan

If you are fan of culture, history, art and architecture, then you definitely should not miss the most intriguing and mysterious part of Central Asian region, Uzbekistan. It is one of the most visited but relatively not yet popular destinations all over the world. It played a significant role in building relationships between the Western worlds with East and served safe shelter for thousands of pilgrims, travellers, explorers and traders on the Great Silk Road. Thanks to the well-preserved constructions left from Timurids era and even earlier, even the most experienced traveller will be amazed by the spirit and atmosphere of the oriental city with narrow streets, glorious madrasahs mausoleums, mosques with high minarets piercing the sky and trading markets. There are many roads unstamped, many secrets unrevealed yet in this hospitable and enchanting region. So our company offers you to spend amazing vacations with our exclusive tours in Uzbekistan full of historical monuments, stories, facts, cultural shows and events.

If you seek to combine your travelling in Uzbekistan with other stan countries in central Asia like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan or Turkmenistan, then let us invite you there with our experienced local providers to make your tour smooth and relaxing. These countries are very different from each other and definitely have their own unique tour products. In Kyrgyzstan you should not miss travelling to the world’s second largest alpine lake  called Issyk Kul, the lake of Son Kul at the altitude of more than 3,000 meters above sea level where you find local nomads living in yurts. In Tajikistan the famous Pamir highway hides dozens of small cozy villages with Wakhi and Pamir people, who have ancient traditions preserved to nowadays. Besides you will be astonished by the nature and various landscapes. In Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan there are remains of ancient cities which were popular during the Silk Road times and even earlier, while Darwaza gas crater is the main highlight of Turkmenistan and Altyn Emel singing dunes or Charyn canyons are like calling cards of Kazakhstan. Our team will help you to book hotels, to get a car for rent and to find the best guides.

If you plan a tour to Central Asia or just a few countries in it, do not hesitate to ask us or send your travel inquiry, we will be happy to help you design a wonderful Silk Road Tour.


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